Restart® 5-Week Nutrition Class
A simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. With a 3-week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation and get rid of sugar & carb cravings.
Blood Lab Analysis
Do your blood work results come back “normal”, but your body still feels like something is off? Let’s take a look at your bloodwork results, but from an optimal perspective. There is a difference between “normal” lab ranges and “optimal” lab ranges.
Nourishing Our Children 4-Week Course
This course will introduce you to the teachings of Dr. Weston A. Price. You will learn how to feel confident in your ability to nourish your child. Enjoy small group support with like-minded individuals, recipes, knowledge & skills to last a lifetime and more!
Individual Nutrition Counseling
Optimal health begins with the proper diet. The old adage, “You are what you eat!” is very true. A individual nutrition consultation is a great place to begin your journey of moving forward toward vibrant health.
Quantum Reflex Analysis
A non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying cause of ill health. QRA uses a muscle-testing technique of medically accepted reflex points to determine the bio-energetic status of your body’s key organs and glands.